sum of digit of a two digit number is 11 when the digit are interchanged the new number formed is less than the original number by 27 find the original number

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- Sum of digit of a two digit number is 11 when the digit are interchanged the new number formed is less than the original number by 27 find the original number .
- Sum of two digit number = 11
- After interchanging the new number formed is less than the original number by 7
- The original number found after interchanging .
Let suppose 'a' be at the one's place digit and 'b' be at tenth place digit.
➭Original number :
➭After interchanging :
➭Sum of the digits is 11 :
➭Difference of orginal number and interchanged number is 27
➭Solving equations i and ii , we get :
➭Solving these two equations , we get :
✰ Original Number : 74
✰ Interchanged Number : 47
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