Sum of the digits of a two-digit number is 5. When we interchange the digits, it is found that the resulting new number is less than the original number by 27. What is the two-digit number?
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Let the number be 10x+y
x+y = 5 …(1)
10x+y-(10y+x) = 27, or
10x-x-10y+y= 27, or
9x-9y = 27, or
x-y = 3 …(2)
Add (1) and (2)
2x= 8, or
x = 4 and y = 1
So the number is 41 and its subsidiary is 14 and the difference between them is 27 and the sum of the digits is 5.
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Number => 10x + y
Sum of the digit of a two digit number is 5. => x + 5 - y (i). When we interchange the digit it is found that the resulting new number is less than the original number by 27.
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