English, asked by clariquinn98, 8 months ago

sum of the theme of the 'The old playhouse'​


Answered by Itzvaibhav007


In the poem, The Old Playhouse, which can be read in full here, Kamala Das shows her total disenchantment with her married her married life and its disastrous consequences on her life. It is an open protest against her egotistical husband who does not think beyond the gratification of his sensual desires.

Answered by MyOwnWorstCritic


The persona in this poem is a woman, undoubtedly Kamala Das herself; and she here gives us a brief account of her unsatisfactory and disappointing conjugal life with her husband. She compares herself to a swallow and her husband to a captor who wanted to tame her and keep her fully under his control by the power of his love-making. The husband wanted to make her forget all those comforts which ashen might have enjoyed in her home before being married; but , in addition to that, he wanted also to make her forget her very nature and her innate love of freedom by keeping her in a state of subjection to him.  

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