Sum of two squares
First, you are given an integer X. You determined the number of ways that you can represent the integer X as the sum of two squares.
Now, you represent the number X as the product of N numbers.
If you are given a number N, then represent the product of these N numbers as the sum of two squares.
Input format
• First line: Single integer N denoting the numbers
• Next line: N space-separated integers denoting the values of the N numbers
Output format
Output the number of ways of representing the number X as the sum of two squares, where X is the product of N numbers.
Note: Number of ways of representing a number X as sum of two squares can be very large, so output the answer modulo 10 + 7.
1<N< 200
1<x< 102000
Note: None of the N numbers exceed 1010.
Sample Output
Sample Input
2 1 2
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I don't know
I don't care
I just want some points
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