summary and quotes in the second stanza of the poetry The house of my childhood by dilip chitre
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Here reading a work of Plato ignited the Rich‟s thought process and she talks
about her hollowness and people‟s dependency on her which does not allow
her to dream a life according to her wish.
In this chapter we will discuss and compare the thought process and
autobiographical reflection in the poetry of Kamala Das and Adrienne Rich.
There is vast difference in the culture of both the poets Adrienne Rich and
Kamala Das. American society has always been considered more advanced as
compared to Indian society. With its child marriage, killing of female fetus,dowry, no equal rights and position of female the Indian society is
considered as backward and tradition bound where changes are not easily
accepted though how advantageous that can be. The effect of social
suppression on women in India has been quite disastrous and Kamala Das‟
poetry stands testimony of this. If we talk about American society such social
evils does not have any existence there. Woman are not bound or chained in
orthodox customs, they have rights and are aware of it. But functioning of
human mind in two different culture and social environment is almost same.
Kamala Das who belongs to a typical middle class Indian family and did not
enjoy the advantages of education sounds similar to her highly educated
American counterpart who lived in so called advanced society which has
been for long talking about feminism and the emancipation of women.
Consciously or unconsciously autobiographical details figure dominantly in
the poems of these poets.
Both these women remember their grandmother with deep affection. In
Rich‟s poem „Grandmothers‟ we get to know about her both maternal
grandmother and paternal grandmother. In the first part of the poem she talks
about her maternal grandmother Mary Gravely Jones who visited them.
about her hollowness and people‟s dependency on her which does not allow
her to dream a life according to her wish.
In this chapter we will discuss and compare the thought process and
autobiographical reflection in the poetry of Kamala Das and Adrienne Rich.
There is vast difference in the culture of both the poets Adrienne Rich and
Kamala Das. American society has always been considered more advanced as
compared to Indian society. With its child marriage, killing of female fetus,dowry, no equal rights and position of female the Indian society is
considered as backward and tradition bound where changes are not easily
accepted though how advantageous that can be. The effect of social
suppression on women in India has been quite disastrous and Kamala Das‟
poetry stands testimony of this. If we talk about American society such social
evils does not have any existence there. Woman are not bound or chained in
orthodox customs, they have rights and are aware of it. But functioning of
human mind in two different culture and social environment is almost same.
Kamala Das who belongs to a typical middle class Indian family and did not
enjoy the advantages of education sounds similar to her highly educated
American counterpart who lived in so called advanced society which has
been for long talking about feminism and the emancipation of women.
Consciously or unconsciously autobiographical details figure dominantly in
the poems of these poets.
Both these women remember their grandmother with deep affection. In
Rich‟s poem „Grandmothers‟ we get to know about her both maternal
grandmother and paternal grandmother. In the first part of the poem she talks
about her maternal grandmother Mary Gravely Jones who visited them.
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