summary of 2nd chapter of novel Leaves from my personal life
Answer: Shamsher Singh case on the power of President and the governor. All the seven judges were of thesame view, but iyer felt that in order to make the law clear, it was a good opportunity to explain thepowers of the governor vis-à-vis Chief Minister. Krishna iyer decided to write a separate judgementbut the circumstances made it hard for him. His wife had already gone a heart surgery but, neededanother and he and his son decided to take her to US for that surgery. But before going to US, due toshortage of time Krishna iyer dictated his opinion which was completed and corr
ected by iyer’sprivate secretary, Chandramouli. Krishna’s wife was deeply impressed by his opinion in the
judgement. And Krishna left the judgement with his secretary and flew to Milwaukee for the surgery.My wife was admitted to the hospital and the date of surgery was fixed. Meanwhile a messengerfrom Indian Embassy in Washington DC came with a copy of Chief Justice drafted judgement and aletter by Ray C.J. to me indicating that a couple of months has elapsed and it was necessary to givethe judgement without any delay and he asked me to either approve his judgement or produce anew judgement. Due to my judgement was lying in Delhi and not in the hospital in Milwaukee andworried about the outcome of the surgery, I wrote the approval to the Chief Justice judgement.When my wife asked me about my cause of worry I told her about the Chief Justice messenger andthe message by Chief Justice and that I have given approval to his judgement. But in spite of hercritical condition my wife is asserted that my opinion should be delivered as my separate judgement.So I called up my friend and a judge, Justice Bhagwati, from the hospital and he agreed to pronouncethe opinion as a separate judgement. My judgement was passed in the Shamsher Singh case onbehalf of justice Bhagwati and myself. But due to failure of the surgery my wife passed away the
next day. IDSA’s that the Chief Justice pressed him to give approval to his judgement as two or three
months had passed after the arguments were closed. Iyer says that nowadays, there are a largenumber of judges in the high Courts and the Supreme Court who pronounced judgements whenmonths and years have passed after the arguments are closed. Iyer says that there is a great needfor a code of conduct for the judges so that the judgements are pronounced without any delay.