English, asked by prasanth8947, 1 year ago

summary of a letter to god


Answered by sneha25675

Lencho was a farmer. He was an extremely hard-working man. However, his crop was destroyed in an exceedingly Hailstorm. He had a firm belief in God. He thought that God would surely him. Thinking this he wrote a letter to God. He asked God to send him some money. At the post-office, the master read Lencho’s letter. He and the other postmen of the post-office wanted to help Lencho. They collected some amount to help him and placed the collected amount into an envelope. The next Sunday, Lencho came to check whether there was any letter for him. The master gave him that envelope. Once Lencho opened the envelope he found the cash. But it was less than what he had requested for. He wrote another letter to God He asked God to send him the rest of the money. But he asked God not to send it by post because the post-office employees were a bunch of crooks.

(लैंचो एक किसान था I वह बहुत मेहनती था I मगर उसकी फसल ओलों के तूफ़ान में नष्ट हो गई थी I उसे भगवान में पक्का विश्वास था I उसने सोचा कि ईश्वर उसकी सहायता करेगें I इसलिए उसने भगवान को एक पत्र लिखा I उसने भगवान से कहा कि वह उसे पैसा भेंजे I डाकघर में पोस्टमास्टर ने वह पत्र पढ़ा I उसने एवं डाकघर के डाकियों ने लैचों की सहायता करने का फैसला किया I उन्होंने कुछ पैसा इकट्ठा करके एक लिफाफे में डाल दिया I अगले रविवार लैंचो डाकखाने गया और पूछा क्या उसके लिए कोई पत्र है I पोस्टमास्टर ने उसे वह लिफाफा दे दिया I जब लैंचों ने वह लिफाफा खोला तो उसमें पैसा था I मगर यह उस राशि से कम था जितनी उसने माँगी थी I उसने भगवान को दूसरा पत्र लिखा कि वह बाकी का पैसा भेजें I मगर उसने भगवान को कहा कि वह पैसा डाक से न भेजें I क्योंकि डाकघर के कर्मचारी तो ठगों का एक टोला हैं I )

Hope it helped you......

Studyboy123: Hello
Answered by Anonymous


Lencho is the main character of the story “The Letter to God.” He is a poor farmer who is the sole bread-earner of the family. He had faith in God. Lencho lived in a small house which was situated on the crest of a low hill in the valley. His house was the only house in the entire valley. He lived with his wife and his sons. The elder ones used to work with him in the fields and the younger ones played near the house. Throughout the morning Lencho sat in his house and waited for the rain to come. He wished for the rain or the shower for his field in which he had grown his crops. The rain would help his crops to get prepared for their harvest. He saw the sky in the North-east. He assumed that they would be getting a good rain that day. This would help his crops to grow more effectively. Lencho wrote the letter to God as he thought that he would be the only one to help him in his bad times. He wrote a letter addressing to God to send him 100 pesos so that he and his family can survive in such a difficult situation.

Lencho wasn't surprised when he saw the letter. He was confident that God would help him in this situation. Though as he counted the money, he got angry as he hadn't received the full amount. He then wrote another letter to God where he asked for the remaining sum. He made it a condition not to send it through the post office employees as he thought they had taken the remaining amount.

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