Summary of Anglo - Mysore Wars
The resultant war lasted three years and was a resounding defeat for Mysore. The war ended after the 1792 Siege of Seringapatam and the signing of the Treaty of Seringapatam, according to which Tipu had to surrender half of his kingdom to the British East India Company and its allies.
The Anglo–Mysore Wars were a series of four wars fought in India over the three decades of the 18th century between the British East India Company and the Kingdom of Mysore. The fourth war ended with a result in the overthrow of the house of Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan and the dismantlement of Mysore to the benefit of the British East India Company, which won and took control of much of India.
1. First Anglo-Mysore War (1767-1769)
In 1767 Mysore was a powerful state under Hyder Ali. In 1769, the first Anglo-Mysore war was fought in which Haider Ali defeated the British and Treaty of Madras was signed between them. Haider Ali occupied almost the whole of Carnatic.
2. Second Anglo-Mysore War (1780-1784)
Warren Hastings attacked French port Mahe, which was in Haider Ali’s territory.
Haider Ali led a common front with Nizam and Marathas and captured Arcot (Capital of Carnatic State).
In July 1781, Haider Ali was defeated at Porto Novo by Eyre Coote and saved Madras.
In December 1782, after the death of Haider Ali, the war was carried on by his son Tipu Sultan.
Tipu Sultan signed Treaty of Mangalore in March 1784 which ended the second Anglo-Mysore war.
3. Third Anglo-Mysore War (1789-1792)
The third war was fought between Tipu Sultan, and British East Indian Company began in 1789 and ended in Tipu’s defeated in 1792. In this war, Marathas and Nizam aided the British and Cornwallis captured Banglore.
The war ended by signing of Treaty of Seringapatna, between Tipu Sultan and Lord Cornwallis. In this treaty, Tipu ceded half of his territories and two of his son’s as a hostage of war.
4. Fourth Anglo-Mysore War (1799)
In Fourth War 1799, the British army led by Lord Wellesley attacked and defeated Tipu Sultan in a brief but fierce war. He met a heroic death on 4th May 1799 while defending his capital Seringapatnam.