summary of caged bird
The first stanza of the poem "Caged Bird" describes a free bird. The free bird is able to choose where he goes and when: he rides the wind, enjoys the sun, and "dares to claim the sky." This is joyous depiction is then juxtaposed with the troubles of the caged bird.
The second stanza introduces us to the caged bird. The bars of its cage make it difficult to see because they're not just cage bars; they are "bars of rage." The caged bird isn't able to overcome his anger at his captivity because he's surrounded by constant reminders of his narrow life: “his wings are clipped and / his feet are tied.” He is kept from soaring free, as his own nature demands, and the only thing left for him to do is to sing his pain and anger.
In the third stanza, the caged bird sings of things he's never known. Never having experienced true freedom doesn’t stop him from longing for it. He knows there's something better out there, and his cry for freedom is heard “on the distant hill.”
The fourth stanza returns to the life of free bird. The free bird dreams of the things he loves: breezes, sighing forests, and worms in the morning—all things the caged bird has never experienced. The free bird "names the sky his own" because he's free to take advantage of the things that make birds the happiest. He doesn’t have to share his sky and, thus, lays ownership to it.
The fifth stanza brings us back to the caged bird. In stark contrast to the free bird, the caged bird "stands on the grave of dreams." He's never going to be able to enjoy the things the free bird does. While the free bird is dreaming of delicious morning worms, the caged bird can only rage at its captivity. Once again, we hear that his wings are clipped and his feet are tied. He cannot fly away from his misery, but he can open his beak to sing.
The final stanza repeats the lines of stanza three, and the poem ends with the bird singing for things that he has never known. The ending of the poem is ambiguous and invites multiple interpretations. Perhaps the caged bird's soaring song of freedom, which carries even to “the distant hill," will be heard even by the free bird—perhaps it will be ignored.
The poem emphasize on the difference between a caged
bird and a free bird. The caged bird represents the
Blacks and the free bird represents the Whites. A caged
bird has to live within the restricted area provided to it
by its owner. It lives at the mercy of the owner and it
dreams of freedom, which it cannot achieve. So, it
makes a sharp, shrill note for it. The free bird enjoys it's
freedom and it is still not satisfied with its life. It still
wants more and more in its life.