summary of chapter fight
Summary of the chapter fight:
Fight is a supplementary lesson of class 8th and it's one of the best moral story, this story is written by the great poet Ruskin bond, the summary of this chater is Once there was a boy named Ranji he have shifted to a new place and the day he shifted was quite a day of a summer it was a sunny day and he walk walking into the nearby forest, and also one day he found a pool and he was also thinking that the pool was quite clean and also he started swimming into that pool at the same time the next day he arrived to the forest and to the pool to swim.
But suddenly he found a unknown boy looking Ranji and starting a angry manner. The boy who was starting Ranji was quite bigger and taller than Ranji and also he looks like a rustler. And after few minutes Ranji tried to get into the pool but seeing the boy starting he was was angry and starting some quarrels and they both started fighting.
The fight was not only with hands they fighted using their legs, hands, head, they rolled up in the ground but at the end of the rest the both didn't win the fight. It got time to Ranji and also he decided to go to home and they both planned to fight the next day at the same place, But Ranji was feeling something wrong because he have some scratches on his shirts,and he went to the bazzer.
The next day they both visited each other at the same place they fight was above to begin. but the warrior challenged and the fight was unfortunately cancelled and Ranji starting swimming to the other side and the same challenge was given to the warriors by the Ranji but the warrior failed and he didn't knew to swing and Ranji keep winning.
After sometime the warrior called Ranji to sit beside the tock and the both started taking asking intro, and finally they become a friend and also each other asked to teacher the fight and other asked to teach swimming and the warrior told to Ranji that he is good but he must be a lots of healthy food and build his body in this way and also Ranji reached him swimming and finally after a fight they were a good friends.
Summary of the Chapter
This story of a young seagull and He wouldn't dare to fly, and the entire family member encourage him to fly but all went in vain, and for the same, he was harshly punished by his parents. He was left all alone on the ledge starving for 24 hours.