English, asked by dubeyhimani086, 1 year ago

summary of chapter when lincoln was a boy chapter 2 class 4 new pathway english​


Answered by afnan1141


When the boy Lincoln was seven years old, new and wider vistas

seemed to open for him In the removal of his fnther to Spencer County,

Indiana. Thomas Lincoln had a brother who had gone to Indiana, and

the reports sent back to Kentucky by this brother were so encouraging

thnt Thomas Lincoln decided to pull up stakes In Kentucky and Join

his brother In Indiana. The Journey was made In a wagon, and the boy

Abe found it to be delightful— more delightful than his early experiences

in his new home could have been, for this new home was even more of

a wilderness than the Kentucky home had been and the settlers had

to endure many prlvatioqs. It is no wonder that Lincoln referred In his

later life to liie days of Ills boyhood In Indiana as "pretty pinching

times." No boy had more hard work in

his boyhood than fell to the portion of

Abraham Lincoln, but he performed his

hard tasks cheerfully and even merrily,

and his hard work swinging the uxe or

grubblng-hoe surely did him no physical

harm, for he was noted for his great

strength as he approached the years of

manhood. When not at work on his fath-

er's farm he worked for some neighboring

farmers, receiving twenty-live cents a day

for his services, and even this small sum

was paid to his fnther. When an occa-

sional hour or half May of leisure came to

him he was off to the woods with his gun

or awny to the nearest stream to swim or

row with the other hoys. His work nnd

his pleasures were in the open air and he

was u true lover of nature. Often a book

went with him when he went to the woods,

nnd it was common for him to carry a

book when he went to the fields or' to the

woods to work. He could read and ent his frugal noonday luncheon at

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