summary of dust of snow
Summary of the Poem Dust of Snow
• The poet was sitting under the hemlock tree.
• He was upset as his days did not go too well.
• Suddenly, a crow sitting on the tree shakes the tree and the fine particles of snow from tree falls on the poet.
• The soft and cold touch of snow changes the poet’s mood from sad to happy.
• He starts feeling soothed and refresh.
• In this way a simple moment proves to be very significant and saves rest of the day of poet from being wasted and held...
• The poem describes a very simple happen...
the poet says that he was spending his day in a regression and didn't want to continue up
but the crow which is a bad omen
and the hemlock tree which is poisonous
show the dark side of nature the regretful side
when the crow shook down snow from the tree on the poet ,the poet thought that he too had too shake of his bad thoughts and utilise the remaining day by spending the time usefully