English, asked by shalini2304, 1 year ago

Summary of engine trouble


Answered by bhanuprakashreddy23


In Engine Trouble by R.K Narayan we have the theme of practicality, hope, luck, responsibility and authority. Taken from his Malgudi Days collection the story is narrated in the first person by an unnamed narrator and after reading the story the reader realises that Narayan may be exploring the theme of practicality. The narrator has no use for a road engine and all the narrator can do is hope that somebody will either buy the road engine off him or that he might be able to give it away to somebody. It serves no practical purpose and is costing the narrator money in rent. Similarly the narrator’s marriage is beginning to suffer because of the problems that the road engine is bringing the narrator. To make matters worse those in authority (Municipal Chief) want the road engine moved which causes further headaches for the narrator. He has to hire an elephant and fifty men but while attempting to move the road engine, the road engine hits a wall. If anything there are traces of irony in the story. At first the narrator felt lucky to have won the road engine and in many ways personalised the engine. However as mentioned the road engine has caused the narrator nothing but problems. Which may be the point that Narayan is attempting to make. He may be suggesting that luck can be a double edged sword and the reality may be that rather than being lucky an individual like the narrator may experience nothing but bad luck.

The fact that the narrator personalises the road engine may also be important as by doing so he may be filling a void in his own life. It may be a case that the road engine represents a shift (upwards) in class for the narrator or at least he hopes it might. He has an object that is unique however nobody is interested in owning it. The road engine is simply not practical. So problematic is ownership of the road engine that the narrator advises his wife to contact her father to take her back to her village. While the narrator himself hopes to run away from his troubles. Which is not necessarily the most responsible of actions. Where once the narrator had huge admiration for the road engine. This is no longer the case. It is also ironic that the road engine, which is meant to move, does very little moving in the story. This may be because nobody knows how to drive the road engine.

Answered by uniyalshelendra


engine trouble is a story written by RK Narayan in this story he had expressed theme of practicality, hope luck responsibility and authority taken from the collection of his story Malgudi Days, it was noticeable that the narrators worry ,, throughout the story ,, while he was trying to get out of the road engine is gone at the end of story narrator was looking happy as he was able To heave a sigh of great relief, it may be that case what a man cannot fix, the narrator and the road engine

the narrator can live his life over again without the concern that were brought about him by winning of his Road engine

life can return to normal to the the narrator

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