Summary of flowering heart
"Summary of flowering heart"
Jin Ari, the main character, is a cheerful 12 year old girl that loves art, fashion, beauty and making people happy. With her friends Sunwoo Min, a tomboy, and U Suha, a proper lady, they help people out of their despair by using magical powers to become adults. Other characters include Chess, a transformed hamster whose real form is human, Trump, the president of Ari's school who's influenced into evil by his cat, and the mysterious Syuel, an aloof beauty who wants Cannabis's respect.
hey mates your answer is here
Flowering Heart is a 2016 Korean Magical Girl series. ... Jin Ari, the main character, is a cheerful 12 year old girl that loves art, fashion, beauty and making people happy. ... Evil Stepmother: Cannabis is Chess' stepmother; she banished him from the magical world when he refused to ...
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