English, asked by rahulrapole2539, 10 months ago

Summary of good manners.Written by.J.C.Hill


Answered by students16

A young man who was very strong and healthy and

enjoyed his work . He used to ignore uninteresting folk.

But once he got an attack of influenza . But he developed

pneumonia and took a long time to recover. He realized that uninteresting folk should not be ignored. In bus or train he

would now help the old and he had sympathy for them and

understanding that it is bad manners to ignore the old and

needy people.

He understood that one day we also become like the

old man and then we need others’ help.The author has given some other examples related to good manners.

(i)While you are cycling consider the old man’s

condition and be considerate instead of calling him

fool. He may not hear very well or see clearly. Your

condition may be same in old days time.

(ii) Realise the difficulties of your parents, teachers and all older people and try to make life easy and donot be a burden to your parents and elders for your day to day needs.

Good manners are also important when you are with your own friends. When you speak to anyone speak clearly and sufficiently loudly for the person to hear. And remember it is your responsibility to make yourself

understood. It takes two to speak the truth. The author says that the truth is truth when it is recognized and appreciated by someone else. Otherwise it cannot be proved truth.

It is stupidity to read other’s remarks on the face value and not to go deep into them. The real meaning actually is different from what appears on the surface.

In any conversation you should give your friend a chance to speak. If he is only listening and not responding he does not want to you to talk. If you say unpleasant things about someone he comes to know about it sooner or later. The person also knows that you have spoken against him.

People are not sure but their statements carry ten percent error. Your argument can be wrong however confident you feel about it.

At last the author says that Good manners come from having sympathy with others and from understanding our own Limitations. We should always realize that we are humble, unimportant little people on this earth and try to help the world as much as we can in our short life.

Answered by Anonymous

Hi mate

Here is ur answer ⤵⤵


About the author:

John C Hill (1888 – 1943) is a famous British writer. He was educated at Harrow and Trinity College, and was eventually ordained as a priest.


J. C. Hill’s “Good Manners” is an adaptation from his famous book “An Introduction to Citizenship”. In his essay “Good Manners”, the famous British writer John C. Hill stresses on the importance of thoughtfulness and courtesy towards common people. Human life on this planet is not permanent. Hence one must try, as far as possible, to behave politely and to help others.

Good manners are based on having sympathy for others and acknowledging one’s own limitations. We should strive to maintain cordial relations amongst one another.

Hill’s begins the essay with a story of a young man. Once there lived a young man who was very strong and healthy and carried on his work very actively. He was proud of his strength and had no sympathy for the “uninteresting folk” i.e. the old and the helpless people. One day he got an attack of influenza and became seriously ill. When he recovered, he became very weak. He could hardly walk. After a few days, he started working again. But he felt very tired while returning home from work. He felt sad looking at the strong young men sitting comfortably in the train or bus. It was then that he understood the misery of the weak and old people who were standing beside him throughout the journey. He realized that he will get back his strength after some days but those old people will never get back theirs. After recovering, he promptly gave up his seat for the weak and the aged in the bus or train. One should not feel proud of oneself and look down upon the weak.

&lt;marquee&gt;&lt;font color=purple&gt;Hope it helps to you ⤴⤴</p><p>

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