summary of helen keller the story of my life
(60-70 words)chapter 15 to 21 (not needed chapter wise just a small summary between these chapters)
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Summary of ‘The Story of My Life’ (Chapters 15-21)
Chapter 15
After the sad episode of the ‘Frost King’, Helen became very sad. In order to restore her confidence, Miss Sullivan encouraged her to write for a magazine named ‘Youth Companion’. In 1893, Helen got the chance to visit to Washington, Niagara, and the World Fair. She visited the World Fair with Dr, Alexander Bell and Miss Sullivan and learnt many things about different cultures, machines, etc.
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
In the summer of 1894, Helen attended the meeting at Chautauqua of the American Association. The meeting was held to promote Teaching of Speech to the Deaf. According to the suggestion, Helen went to the Wright Humason School for the Deaf in New York city. There she learnt lip reading, along with other subjects. Miss Reamy taught her German. Helen faced many difficulties in learning at the new school. Helen also had to bear the loss of his beneficiary and friend Mr. John P. Spaulding.
Chapter 18
In October 1896, Helen entered the Cambridge School for Young Ladies, to be prepared for Radcliffe. She visited Wellesley also. With the passage of time her desire to be educated formally with girls who could see and hear grew stronger. It was decided she would go to Cambridge along with Miss Sullivan. The pace of studies was very fast for her; she faced many hurdles but overcame them. Her preliminary examination for Radcliffe started on 29th June and continued till 3rd July. Though she faced many difficulties, still she passed her English, German, French, and other subjects satisfactorily.
Chapter 19
During the second year at Mr. Gilman’s school, Helen faced many difficulties. Most of the books on the subjects she was studying were not in Braille. The classes were large, and the teachers could not pay her special attention. Mr. Gilman began to feel that Helen was working very hard to cope with her difficulties, and reduced her recitations. Miss Sullivan and Helen’s parents did not like it. Finally Helen and her sister, Mildred were withdrawn from the school. However, Helen continued her studies under a private tutor named Mr. Merton Keith. Helen took her final exam for Radcliffe college on 29th and 30th June 1899. Facing a lot of hardships and challenges, she passed her examination and thus became eligible to enter the college.
Chapter 20
Helen decided to study another year under Mr. Keith and entered college in 1900. She was soon disappointed to discover that the college was not as wonderful as she had imagined. She did not find warmth in the mechanical lecture of her professors. Helen did not like the way formal education was being imparted. She was exceedingly critical about the examination system. She realized knowledge was far more interesting than the so called education being given at colleges.
Chapter 21
In this chapter Helen talks about her love for books. Helen admits that all her joys and pleasures were related to books. She tells about the names of books that were her companion since her childhood, Books such as, Little Lord Fauntleroy, Bible Stories, The Arabian Nights, Robinson Crusoe, etc. Helen loved Greek History and Literature, Bible, Shakespeare, German and French Literature. For Helen, Literature was a Utopia. She found books to be the best friends she ever had.
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