summary of kartus in short
Kartoos summary of CBSE Class 10 Hindi Lesson with detailed explanation of the lesson 'कारतूस' along with meanings of difficult words. Given here is the complete explanation of the lesson, along with summary and all the exercises, Question and Answers given at the back of the lesson.
Kartoos is a story of a brave man called wazir ali who hate the britishers ruling over his land. Saudatt Ali who is the uncle of wazir ali was a partner of britishers. While Aasif Uduula ruled there was no expectations for a baby by him and it was clear that suaddat ali will rule after him but Wazir ali was borned and this become a threat for saudatt ali as he(wazir ali) will kill him.
The story begins with two britsih police officers talking in a jungle who has been there to catch wazir ali. Because wazir ali was a wanted criminal as he hated the british and he killed the lawyer of britsih compay.
In the whole conversation between both it is about the wazir ali and his history. Like why he was wanted criminal? What made him do so?Who was saudatt ali? and Etc...
At last the brave wazir ali come to the camp and ask the officer for some "Kartoos". The officer didnt knew that it was wazir ali? BUt at last he reveals his reality and promise to leave safe the officer as he had gave him kartoos.
Hope this helps.. if is it plzz mark as brainliest