Summary of king Ahmak shah
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ahmad Shah Bahadur,Mirza Ahmad Shah,Mujahid-ud-Din Ahmad Shah Ghazi[1](23 December 1725 – 1 January 1775) was born toMughal EmperorMuhammad Shah. He succeeded his father to the throne as the 15th Mughal Emperor in 1748 at the age of 22. When Ahmed Shah Bahadur came to power the rule of theMughal Empirewas collapsing, furthermore his administrative weaknesses eventually led to the rise of the usurpingFeroze Jung III.Ahmed Shah Bahadur inherited a much weakened Mughal state. He was emperor in title for six years, but left all affairs to state to rivallingfactions. He was deposed by the Vizier Feroze Jung III and later blinded along with his mother. He spent the remaining years of his life in prison and died of natural causes in January 1775.Early lifePrince Ahmad was born in 1725 to the Mughal EmperorMuhammad Shahand his consortQudsia Begum. TheDeccan Warsof 1680-1707 had initiated the finaldecline of the Mughal Empirewell before his birth.As a young Prince Ahmad developed a weakness for women, though this was restricted under his father's supervision. He is also known to have been an illiterate and never took part in military training. He was strongly supported by his mother,[2]who began to manipulate the imperial court due to the grief of her husband and his inability to consolidate the empire and during the reign of her son who sought theharemmore thanhis duties to the empire.[citation needed]EmergenceAhmad Shah Bahadur upon the throne; watercolour painting held by theBodleian LibraryAfter the death of the Mughal viceroy ofLahore,Zakariya Khan Bahadur, his two sons,Yahya KhanBahadurandMian Shah Nawaz Khan, theEmirofMultan, fought each other during for succession. After defeating his elder brother Mian Shah Nawaz Khan declared himself the Mughal viceroyof Punjab. This weakness[clarification needed]was quickly exploited byAhmad Shah Durraniwho initiated another campaign with 30,000cavalryto assist Shah Nawaz Khan, who was resented for tax-evasion in the Mughal imperial court and opposed by theGrand Vizier,Qamaruddin Khan, who was the father-in-law of Yahya Khan.[citation needed]In April 1748,Ahmad Shah Abdalijoined by Shah Nawaz Khan invaded theIndus River Valley, promptingMuradyab Khan KalhorotheSubedarofSindhto dispatch reinforcements to assist theMughal Armyalong the river banks. Prince Ahmad and Qamaruddin Khan,Hafiz Rahmat Khan,Safdarjung,Intizam-ud-Daula, Nasir Khan the former Subedar ofGhazniandKabul, Yahya Khan andAli Muhammad Khan Rohillawere dispatched by Muhammad Shah to command a large army of 75,000 to confront the 12,000 advancing Durrani's. During theBattle of Manipur (1748),[3]inSirhindby the riverSutlejboth forcesfought a decisive battle and Prince Ahmad was nominally victorious, he was thereupon conferredwith the titleBahadur, after a Durrani wagon filledwith gunpowder exploded.[4]However, the Muhammad Shah seriously mourned the fall of Qamaruddin Khan, who was killed by a stray artillery shell during the battle.[3]After Ahmad Shah Durrani's retreat the Mughal alignedKhanate of Kalat,Nawab Amir of Bhawalpurremained aligned toAlamgir II. Only before the prelude to theThird Battle of Panipatbecame subjects of theDurrani Empire.[citation needed]However, Qamaruddin Khan's sonMuin ul-Mulkalso a recognised war hero from the Battle of Manipur, was placed as the Mughal viceroy of Punjab, by the new Mughal Emperor Ahmad ShahBahadur.[citation needed]
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