summary of kingdom of fools
Hey Mate Heres the ans ;
In the kingdom of fools' is an interesting story of a kingdom run by a foolish king. One day, a saint and his disciple reached the kingdom. ... He analysed that it was a kingdom of fools and ordered his disciple to leave the place. The disciple did not leave with his guru as he was lured by the abundance of cheap food.

kingdoms of fool is chapter from class 9 th CBSE English . In this chapter there is one sage and his disciple they went to a kingdom where everything was done in wrong sequence day's work done in night. all people wake up at night and do all their work. everyone sleep at night . sage and disciple went to market they find that everything cost their same one dudda . sage understand anything there is wrong and decided to go out of city but disciple ignored problem. sage went outside the city and disciple live in city only . disciple now daily eat lot of ghee and food and get like big buffalo . one day one case came in king court in kingdom . one man complaint about that his brother was killed by a noble man when he was doing his work . king was a fool . he call the noble and said punishment for him but at a time he say it was the mistake of wall maker . wall maker was called wall maker said that it was the mistake of a dancing girl . dancing girl was called dancing girl said it was mistake of gold Smith and gold Smith again said it was because of noble man . now noble man was going to punish but stake did not fixed his neck . so king order to soldiers to bring any fat man from kingdom . soldiers take disciple to court and king ordered him death punishment disciple cry and start remembering his sage at a time sage appear there . sage said to soldiers to call king . king was came then sage said that it is the good time to die anyone who died will surely become king of this kingdom in next life . king cancelled his punishment to disciple and hang himself on stake and decided and disciple was saved .