Summary of my brother buil a robot
My Brother Built a Robot
by Jack Prelutsky
My brother built a robot
that does not exactly work,
as soon as it was finished,
it began to go berserk,
its eyes grew incandescent
and its nose appeared to gleam,
it bellowed unbenignly
and its ears emitted steam.
My brother built that robot
to help us clean our room,
instead, it ate the dust pan
and attacked us with the broom,
it pulled apart our pillows,
it disheveled both our beds,
it took a box of crayons
and it doodled on our heads.
That robot seemed relentless
as it tied our socks in knots,
then clunked into the kitchen
and dismantled pans and pots,
the thing was not behaving
in the fashion we had planned.
it clanked into the bathroom
and it filled the tub with sand.
We tried to disconnect it,
but it was to no avail,
it picked us up and dropped us
in an empty garbage pail,
we cannot stop that robot,
for we’re stymied by one hitch….
my brother didn’t bother
to equip it with a switch.