English, asked by pracyn5aaaaa, 1 year ago

Summary of Novel The Story Of My Life.


Answered by Vibhu11
Perhaps the single greatest lesson readers take away from The Story of My Life is the value of perseverance. Without the ability to see or hear, Keller learned to function and interact within society in a meaningful way. Her drive to make a place for herself in the world started when she was very young. Even as a child, she found ways to help her mother around the house, rather than stay in a world that was dark, silent, and lonely. In fact, the terrible fits for which she is so well-known were the product of her extreme frustration at not being able to make herself understood and not having anyone else reach out and communicate with her. Once she overcame her obstacles and learned to communicate, she was driven to accomplish her high goals. She garnered many achievements, but she also gave credit for her accomplishments to her supporters. 
Hope i helped! Gud luck! :)
Answered by Anonymous

Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880 in Tuscumbia, a little town of northern Alabama. The family on her  father’s side descended from Casper Keller, a native of Switzerland, who had settled in Maryland. Her grandfather,  Caspar Keller’s son, also acquired large tracts of land in Alabama and finally settled there.

Her grandmother Keller was  the daughter of Alexander Moore and second cousin to Robert E Lee. Her father’s name was Arthur H. Keller and he  was a captain in the Confederate Army and her mother was Kate Adams who was many years younger to her husband  as she was his second wife.

Helen Keller lived in a small house which consisted of a large square room and a small one in which the servants  slept. There was a custom in the South to build a small house near the homestead as an annex to be used on occasion  and such a house was built by her father after the Civil War. After his marriage to Kate, Helen’s mother, he shifted to  that house. The house was covered with vines, climbing roses and honeysuckles. There was a screen of yellow roses  and Southern Smilax which hid the little porch. It was the favourite haunt of hummingbirds and bees.

The family lived  in the Keller Homestead, also known as ‘Ivy Green’ because the house, the surrounding trees and fences were covered  with ivy. Helen considered the house to be the paradise of her childhood.

Helen’s life began on a simple note. The very naming of the child, i.e., Helen was an emphatic one. Her father  suggested the name of Mildred Campbell whom he regarded highly but her mother put an end to all discussions by  saying that she would be called after her mother, Helen Everett. Helen was taken to the church for christening but on  the way, her father lost the name.

He just remembered that it had to be after Helen’s grandmother so he gave her the  name Helen Adams.  In her childhood, Helen was an eager and self-asserting child. She imitated everyone and learnt walking as  well as talking at an early age. But her happiness did not last long. One day in the month of February, she fell ill. The  doctors termed it as an acute congestion of the stomach and brain.

They even thought that she would not live. It was  a mysterious fever which left her suddenly and mysteriously. But it took her eye-sight along with it. With each passing  day, her eyes turned dry and hot and became dimmer and she felt silence all around. It was a nightmare for her when  she realised that she had lost both her eyes and ears. The whole world to her was dark and silent.

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