Summary of poem earth day by jane yolen from litcharts
I think the purpose of this poem is to persuade us to take care of the Earth. I think this because the author says, “I am the Earth/And the Earth is me.” This quote shows me that the author is telling us that we are part of the Earth, and if it dies, we die as well. Another quote that proved this to me was “…Earth needs/Grass and stone and tree…” I think this quote shows that the Earth needs all of it to survive and we can’t destroy it. All of this leads me to believe that the purpose of this poem is to persuade.
In the 1st Stanza The poet is saying that each piece of grass each tree each puddle of mud, stick and stone is related to our body. If we don’t have blood we would die, If we don’t have muscles we wouldn’t be able to carry things, If we don’t have skin our muscles, bones, and organs would be hanging out all over the place, If we didn’t have bones we would not be able to move.The poet says that we need every bit of our body to make our body fit Just like us the earth needs every bit of grass, stones trees, and things that grow in a natural manner.That’s why we celebrate earth day and the whole world says “As long as life as dear as free….We are the earth and the earth is us”