summary of poem hints on pronunciation for foreigners
Hints of Pronunciation for Foreigners is written by an anonymous poet. The English language is ridiculed here for its different pronunciation for different words. This is almost a satiric commentary on that language as the meaning of the words are different from that of their pronunciation. The words "cough", "bough", "tough, and "dough" are spelled all the same and one may stumble when remembering them. The familiar linguistic traps of English language is tough to get out of and the learner gets stuck in the way of remembering various words with same spellings. "A dreadful language" for the foreigners but for the natives,it is quite easy.
hints on pronounciation is written by some anonymous poet.
it shows how the poet ridicules the english language which he thinks is very
Difficult to master. english language uses similar looking words but
with different pronounciations.
cough and dough ...for example look alike but are pronounced differently.
dead looks like bead but is pronounced like bed.
not to get confused in this tricky language.