Summary of poem island by nissim ezekiel
Summary of Island by Nissim Ezekiel
Island as a poem is just like Sea Breeze, Bombay and Approaching Santa Cruz
Airport, Bombay by Adil ussa!alla, a poem of Bombay by none the else but a
Bombay man !riting about the Bombayan surfaces, dealing !ith so many things at
one go, history, geography, cartography, topography, art and culture and his
comeuppance by chance in the backdrop of his family history, lineage, heritage and
so on" A poem of Bombay, it is about its cartography, topography and demography"
A poem of the history and origin of Bombay !hich !as but a cluster of islands it is in
essence !hich but none stro#e to del#e it deep" Apart from it, the poet tries to see
his o!n history in the poem, ho! did the ancestors come to the island$ %here the
folklore brothers of his$ &he poet searches his self and identity in this poem !ith
his undiminished lo#e for Bombay, the place of his birth and nati#ity"
&o read the poem is to be reminded of %ords!orth's (pon &he %est )inister Bridge,
Auden's *ook, Stranger and +ylan &homas' oem in -ctober" (nsuitable for song as
!ell as sense, the island .o!ers into slums and skyscrapers, this is ho! Nissim
starts the poem named Island !hich is but the history and de#elopment of Bombay
as a city, capital to!n not, but as a metropolitan to!n, a megacity" &his is ho! he
has come to see it" Sometimes he cries for help, but keeps his counsel" /e hears the
distorted #oices appearing to be ambiguous and jarring, but !hat can he do if it be
the beat and #ibe of it, calm and clamour$ Instead of being struck by the acti#ities
be!ildering him, disturbing and disgusting enough, he mo#es ahead !ith the
rhythm and pace of life and in the meantime, the breezed take o#er the mood and
mentality depressing to refresh it" &he freshness and #er#e of the !ind delights him,
separating the past from the present" Again silence pre#ails in and lurks around"
&he author enjoys the peace of mind !hile lying in sleep, forgetful of the tension
and trouble already discharged" &he mind looks refreshed !ith peace and calm and
s!eetness, so full of innocence and sal#ation" It is just the time of being direct in one direction which but only add to substance