English, asked by Ravigah2850, 1 year ago

Summary of poem overture by christopher okigbo


Answered by Madhursrivastava
The title of the poem “Heavensgate” is emblematic of man’s quest for spiritual fulfillment. This is particularly significant as the poem describes the poet’s return to his native post colonization.

The phrase “the passage” also echoes the concept of quest or search for the ultimate truth. He stands before the Mother Idoto , a symbol of the oilbean, tortoise and the python; this “water-goddess “ is a recurring motif in Christopher Okigbo’s works. The oilbean is an article to worship the Mother Idoto. The “oilbean” stands as a concrete symbol for traditional roots. He tries to lean on it, but fails. He pictures himself as the prodigal son, on whose return he finds the loss of his inheritance and riches. To Okigbo his ultimate asset is his cultural heritage. He is currently lost in the legend or ‘antiquity’ of the land. The term “watery presence” may refer to its diluted existence. It may also connote the traditional land where the poet was baptized.

Answered by sriramvsynergy
  • Overture” is a poem by the Nigerian writer, Christopher Okigbo. It has been around for a long time and was first published in the late 1950’s.
  • It is a poem written in the style of a traditional Nigerian poem. It is a short poem which is meant to depict the basic themes of traditional Nigerian culture.
  • It has been translated into several languages and used as a cultural tool for a number of years.
  • It has also been used as a tool for political analysis and propaganda.
  • The poem is divided into sections.
  • A typical Nigerian work of the time.
  • The poem is written in the style of the traditional Nigerian poetry.
  • The language is similar to the language spoken by African Americans today.
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