Summary of poem ring out wild bells to the wild sky
Ring out wild bells is a very famous poem written by Lord Tennyson where he is trying to tell the readers about the goodbyes to the old things and welcoming of the new things through the stanza of the poems.The name of the poem itself means to ring the bells for the new for example for new years eve as suggested in the poem.
Ring Out Wild Bells is themed loosely around New Year and its meaning and so it’s no surprise to see bells mentioned in the first stanza. However, they are described as being wild. This is a striking word to describe them and helps set the underlying tone for the rest of Ring Out Wild Bells. The allusions to the holiday season continue with the narrator describing the light as being “frosty”. The words used are quite evocative as the narrator uses the words dying and die in the last two lines, primarily about the year itself. I think this is describing the fact that the year is drawing to a conclusion, albeit in a particularly powerful way. The second time death is used is in the last line of this stanza and refers to a nebulous “him” who is this? Santa? Jesus?
The first line introduces are a familiar concept of ringing in the new year. Out with the old and in with the new etc. Here bells are described as being happy rather than wild, this creates a much softer image. It then proceeds to talk about the year going and instructs to let him go. Here is this “man” once again, who is he? Is the year being personified? Is the narrator telling us to let go of the previous year? Or is this referencing an actual person? The last line of this stanza is a paraphrase of the first line. Only it’s meaning has been changed significantly. Is the suggestion here that the “old” is synonymous with the false and the “new” with the true