summary of solitary reaper
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Look at that solitary highland young girl. she is single in the field. she is reaping the harvest and singing by herself. stop here or gently pass. the solitary young girl cuts the crop and binds the sheaves.she sings a sad song.
no nightingale ever sang more welcome songs to the groups of tires travellers in some shady place among arabian sands. the sound of the cuckoo-bird in spring time broke the silence of the seas among the farthest Hebrides islands.
will no one tell me what the solitary reaper is singing about? Perhaps the sad musical notes are about some old, unhappy and far-off things.these might bbe about battles fought in the may also be about some natural sorrow,loss or pain that has been and may be again.
Whatever be the theme,the maiden sang in such a manner that there seemed no end to it. i saw her singing at her work and bending over her sickle.i listened to it motionless and quiet. and as i climbed up the hill i carried the music in my heart long after it was heard no more....
no nightingale ever sang more welcome songs to the groups of tires travellers in some shady place among arabian sands. the sound of the cuckoo-bird in spring time broke the silence of the seas among the farthest Hebrides islands.
will no one tell me what the solitary reaper is singing about? Perhaps the sad musical notes are about some old, unhappy and far-off things.these might bbe about battles fought in the may also be about some natural sorrow,loss or pain that has been and may be again.
Whatever be the theme,the maiden sang in such a manner that there seemed no end to it. i saw her singing at her work and bending over her sickle.i listened to it motionless and quiet. and as i climbed up the hill i carried the music in my heart long after it was heard no more....
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This poem is written by "William Wordsworth". In the poem, one day poet was travelling through the hilly region of Scotland. He saw a young girl. She was alone and working in the field. She was singing a song. The poet was fascinated by listening her song.
The young girl was reaping the group and was singing a song. She was singing a song full of sorrow. Her voice had depth and it was overflowing in the entire Valley.
The voice of nightingale is very sweet and its sweet song refresh the tired travellers of Arabian desert. The voice of solitary reaper is much sweeter than that of the Nightingale.
The poet saw a girl when he was travelling through the hilly region of Scotland. The girl was working in the field and was singing a sad song. Her voice was so sweet and it was seeming sweeter than the voice of any Cuckoo and was breaking the silence of the remote seas.
The poet was unable to understand the song and he did not know the language of that country. But he imagined that the girl was singing an old, unhappy song about some battles.
The poet is making assumptions about the song, the girl was singing. He again thinks that the song may be a simple song denoting to any family matter of present or it may be the song about some natural hazard, sorrow, loss or pain.
The poet says that whatever was the theme of the song which was being sung by the young girl but it seemed that the song had no ending.
The girl was singing the song without interrupting and she was working in the field with her sickle.
The poet was fascinated by the girls sweet song and her voice. Sohe stood still and motionless on the hill. He wanted to move but could not move because the lovely music had made a deep place in his heart and memory of the song free mind in his heart for a long time.
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