English, asked by rajendra1974verma, 1 year ago

summary of story "so what are you anyway "​


Answered by abduljaved68


the summary of story "so what are you anyway"

please mark my answer as brainliest.

Answered by Anonymous


  • This chapter is the story of a young girl, Carole, who faces abuse based on her race while travelling alone in a flight by the couple sitting next to each other, the Nortons - Henry Norton and his wife, Betty Norton. The year is 1970.
  • Carole's seat was 12A and her doll was called Amy. The doll had shocked Mr. Norton because of its dark complexion. He was especially shocked because Carole wasn't black, but was playing with a black doll.
  • Carole lives in Don Mills. Her mother was born in Chicago while her father was born in Tuscan. Her father calls her complexion 'Milk Chocolate.' Carole said she would colour her father brown when asked, for her mother, she initially said yellow, before changing her answer to red, thus revealing that her mother was white while her father was black.
  • After finding out, Mrs. Norton and her husband ask her if she is a mulatto. They keep probing on, and ask if her father is a negro, until she gets fed up and screams at them.
  • All passengers turn to look at them and a stewardess spills a drink. The passengers are shocked to see the backwardness of the Nortons. A stewardess offers a seat to Carole next to her and gives her a drink called 'Shirley Temple.'


This is a literature chapter. A summary cannot have an explanation; it is an explanation on itself.

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