Science, asked by vanshika2063, 6 months ago

summary of the chapter motion of class 9th subject physics samas will be of three pages answer​


Answered by ashooyadav712

Distance and Displacement

The magnitude of the length covered by a moving object is called distance. It has no direction.

Displacement is the shortest distance between two points or the distance between the starting and final positions with respect to time. It has magnitude as well direction.

Displacement can be zero, but distance cannot.

Distance and Displacement

Distance VS Displacement



Magnitude is the size or extent of a physical quantity. In physics, we have scalar and vector quantities.

Scalar quantities are only expressed as magnitude. E.g: time, distance, mass, temperature, area, volume

Vector quantities are expressed in magnitude as well as the direction of the object. E.g: Velocity, displacement, weight, momentum, force, acceleration etc.

Time, Average Speed and Velocity

Time and speed

Time is the duration of an event that is expressed in Seconds. Most physical phenomena occur with respect to time. It is a scalar quantity.

Speed is the rate of change of distance. If a body covers a certain distance in a certain amount of time, its speed is given by

Speed = DistanceTime

Average speed = Total distance travelled / Total time taken

Uniform motion and non-uniform motion

When an object covers equal distances in equal intervals of time it is in uniform motion.

When an object covers unequal distances in equal intervals of time it is said to be in non-uniform motion.


The Rate of change of displacement is velocity. It is a vector quantity. Here the direction of motion is specified.

Velocity =  DisplacementTime

Average velocity = (Initial Velocity + Final velocity)/2 = u+v2.


The rate of change of velocity is called acceleration it is a vector quantity. In non-uniform motion

velocity varies with time, i.e change in velocity is not 0. It is denoted by “a”

Acceleration = Change in Velocity / Time  (OR)  a = vut

Motion Visualised

Distance-Time graph

Distance-Time graphs show the change in position of an object with respect to time.

Linear variation = uniform motion & non-linear variations imply non- uniform motion

The slope gives us speed

Distance-Time Graph

Distance – Time Graph

OA implies uniform motion with constant speed as the slope is constant

AB implies the body is at rest as the slope is zero

B to C is non-uniform motion

Velocity-Time Graph

Velocity-Time graphs show the change in velocity with respect to time.

Slope gives acceleration

The area under the curve gives the displacement

Line parallel to x-axis implies constant velocity-

Velocity-Time Graph

Velocity – Time Graph

OA = constant acceleration, AB = constant velocity , BC = constant retardation

Equations of Motion

The motion of an object moving at uniform acceleration can be described with the help of three equations, namely

(i) v = u + at

(ii) v2 – v2 = 2as

(iii) s = ut + (1/2)at2

Derivation of velocity-time relation by graphical method

Velocity – Time Graph

A body starts with some initial non-zero velocity at A and goes to B  with constant acceleration a.

From the graph BC = v (final velocity)–DC = u (initial velocity)…………..(eq 1).

BD = BC – DC……………..(eq 2).

We know acceleration a = slope = BDAD or AD = OC = t (time taken to reach point B).

Therefore  BD = at………………….(eq 3).

Substitute everything  we get : at = v – u.

Rearrange to get v = u + at.

Derivation of position-time relation by graphical method

Derivation of position-time relation by graphical method

Velocity – Time Graph

A body starts with some initial non-zero velocity at A and goes to B  with constant acceleration a

Area under the graph gives Displacement =A(ΔABD)+A(□OADC)=(12AD×BD)+OA×OC ……………(eq 1)

OA = u , OC = t and BD = at

Substituting in (eq 1) we get s= ut+12at2

Derivation of position-velocity relation by graphical method

Velocity-Time Graph 4

Velocity – Time Graph

A body starts with some initial non-zero velocity at A and goes to B  with constant acceleration a

Displacement covered will be the area under the curve which is the trapezium OABC.

We know the area of trapezium is s= (OA+BC)2∗OC

OA = u and BC = v and OC = t

Therefor, s=  (v+u)2∗t ……………(eq 1)

We also know that  t =(v+u)a ……………..(eq 2)

Substitute (eq 2) in (eq 1) and arrange to get


Uniform Circular Motion

Uniform circular motion

If an object moves in a circular path with uniform speed, its motion is called uniform circular motion.

Velocity is changing as direction keeps changing.

Acceleration is constan

Answered by boyinalakshmishivani


*Motion is a change of position it can be described in terms of the distance mode of the displacement.

*The motion of an object could be uniform and nonuniform depending on whether its velocity is constant or changing

* Speed of an object is the distance covered per unit time and velocity and displacement per unit time.

* The acceleration of an object is the change in your in velocity per unit time.

*Uniform and non uniform motion of object can be shown through graph.

*The motion of an object moving at uniform acceleration can be described with the help of the following equations namely


S=Ut+1/2 at^2


where you is initial velocity of the object which moves with uniform acceleration a for time V is its final velocity and S is the distance it travel in time t

*If an object moves in a circular path with uniform speed its motion is called uniform circular motion

I hope it will helps you if it helps you please don't forget to thank for the answer and mark this answer as brainliests answer and follow me for more answers

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