Summary of the poem It Couldn't Be Done
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Yes the summary poem name is It Couldn't Be Done
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Edgar Guest
It Couldn’t Be Done by Edgar Albert Guest
‘It Couldn’t Be Done’ by Edgar Albert Guest is a poem with an uplifting message about never giving up. The narrator of the poem encourages the reader not to be discouraged by the pessimism of others.
Edgar Albert Guest’s poem ‘It Couldn’t Be Done‘ is a motivational poem that encourages the reader not to give up easily. The poem is a warning that throughout life, people will tell you that certain things are impossible to achieve and that you should quit. The narrator of the poem states that many people have accomplished things that were allegedly impossible once they put their minds to it. The narrator argues that if you go into a task with a positive attitude and the will to succeed, you will be victorious.
Summary‘It Couldn’t Be Done‘ is a poem that warns the reader not to be discouraged by the negativity of others.
Summary‘It Couldn’t Be Done‘ is a poem that warns the reader not to be discouraged by the negativity of others.The poem begins with somebody telling the protagonist that something “couldn’t be done”. The protagonist then says that he would not say for sure until he gave it a try. He then goes into the task with a positive attitude and confidence, which produces positive results. He ends up proving that he could do it.
Summary‘It Couldn’t Be Done‘ is a poem that warns the reader not to be discouraged by the negativity of others.The poem begins with somebody telling the protagonist that something “couldn’t be done”. The protagonist then says that he would not say for sure until he gave it a try. He then goes into the task with a positive attitude and confidence, which produces positive results. He ends up proving that he could do it. The next stanza of the poem progresses very similarly to the first: someone tells the protagonist that a task is impossible, and he once again refuses to give up. He goes into the task with the same confidence, and he ends up completing it.
Summary‘It Couldn’t Be Done‘ is a poem that warns the reader not to be discouraged by the negativity of others.The poem begins with somebody telling the protagonist that something “couldn’t be done”. The protagonist then says that he would not say for sure until he gave it a try. He then goes into the task with a positive attitude and confidence, which produces positive results. He ends up proving that he could do it. The next stanza of the poem progresses very similarly to the first: someone tells the protagonist that a task is impossible, and he once again refuses to give up. He goes into the task with the same confidence, and he ends up completing it. The poem ends with the narrator speaking directly to the reader about the message of the poem. The narrator states that there are thousands of things that people will say are impossible and that people will try to get you to give up before you even try. But, if you go in with a positive attitude, you can achieve it.
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