Summary of the poem mighty eyes by neo mvubu
Answer:The poem Mighty Eyes is written by the poet Neo Mvubu. The poem is all about the events that are experienced by our mighty eyes that is our courageous eyes.
The poet beautifully counts the points that are experienced by the common people. It states that when we're in some trouble, our brave eyes gets a little weak there. They shed some tears.
In the poem “Mighty Eyes”, written by the poet Neo Mvubu, the poet has made our eyes as the character of the poem and expresses our eyes potential.
When we are in trouble. our eyes take in the trouble. When we dream, it is these very same eyes that take in our imagination to great heights and vanish them also the moment we are awake. We see the good and the bad through our eyes.
Our eyes are our weapon, as when there is murder, we watch it with fear. When we are with our grandmothers, our eyes are fresh and has a smile on, especially the eyes of the children portray innocence.
Sometimes with these eyes, we must see those victims in jail who have done no wrong and are waiting for freedom. The poet feels that there is too much that our eyes see and must take in.