English, asked by maheahjntuh7640, 1 year ago

Summary of the poem the caterpillar story for


Answered by arpitajena92

hey can u send me the pic of the poem then I can definitely help u.

Answered by Arslankincsem

This poem is symbolic of the lifespan of a human being and caterpillar has been used as a metaphor.

Life never remains the same for us and as we grow, we acquire more experience and want to explore the world more.

During our childhoods, we remain in the safe custody of our parents just like the little caterpillar feels safe inside its tight cocoon.

When we grow up, home becomes a confinement for us and we set out for gathering new experiences in the same manner as the caterpillar skitters around in the sunshine fluttering its wings when it becomes a butterfly.

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