English, asked by sharmaanand450, 1 year ago

summary of the puckering pickle parade​


Answered by Shaizakincsem

Puckering pickle parade.​


  • Puckering pickle parade is a poem written by ToddMichael St. Pierre.
  • This poem is based on the event pickle parade.
  • It is the central feature of the world.
  • The poet shows the importance of the event and the things that we enjoy in the event.
  • People get together and enjoy each other's company by having different foods.
  • The specialty of the poem is that it highlighted all the points of the events that are important for society.

Learn more about ToddMichael St. Pierre.

Summary of young poets by todd micheal st pierre


Answered by hankarepooja88


pukkeringpickle parade

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