Summary of the road not taken
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The Road Not Taken
The Road Not Taken Summary
Robert Frost
What Happens in The Road Not Taken?
Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” follows a traveler in the woods. He arrives at a fork in the road and hesitates while deciding which path to take. While the decision seems significant and irreversible (“I doubted if I should ever come back”), he realizes that the two paths are essentially the same, resulting in an ironic “sigh” at the poem’s end.
“The Road Not Taken” summary key points:
While walking, the speaker arrives at a place where “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood.”
The speaker evaluates the two paths. One appears less trodden on, but further inspection reveals that they are “really about the same.”
He chooses the second path, having “kept the first for another day,” but he quickly acknowledges that he will never come back.
He reflects that one day he will tell this story “with a sigh” and declare that he “took the road less travelled by, / And that has made all the difference,” despite the two roads being identical.
The poet says that once, he was walking down the road and reached a fork. He could walk over one of the paths only. He took time to choose the right path. He inspected them to decide which was a better option and then chose the one which seemed less walked over. He kept the other one for some other day although he knew that he would never get the chance to walk over it. He would go further on the chosen path and not get a chance to go back on it. As he walked on the chosen path, he realized that both the paths were similar. He felt that his future depended on the choice that he made.