English, asked by sankshaybodana7, 26 days ago

. Summary of the story from your
(Any one)
class 6​


Answered by azmilarifkv

Answer: Grain as big as hen's egg

A group of children found something in a ravine with a shape of a hen’s egg sold it for a penny and ended in the King’s palace which caught the King’s curiosity as to where it came or where it was bought

The King together with his chosen wise men found out that it was a grain of corn with the size of a hen’s egg but the King wanted an answer to where it was planted and where it can be bought. The wise men suggested to ask peasants in the town to know where the grain was grown and they were able to ask first an old peasant who had two crutches, without teeth and was almost deaf but didn’t get an answer. The next one is the first old peasant’s father who had one crutches, still able to see and almost heard him asked where it was planted and where it can be baught but didn’t know as well.

Until finally, they called the grandfather of the first old peasant who had no crutches, can see clearly and speak clearly unlike the first two oldies. The King didn’t expect the answer he would get.

The field was anywhere they could plant because the every land was free and they didn’t use money to buy anything. Everbody don’t own money, rather what they own was their labour.

The story ended when the grandfather said that in their time, there was contentment with everything, unlike the present time where everybody is not contented with their lives.

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