Summary of the story the too many proffesors
the summary of too many proffesors
Step-by-step explanation:
there was a proffesor called brenstawn who loved inventing in his invetry
his housekeeper mrs.flittersnoop was baking some cakes and got an awful smell from his invetoory. she went to check what it was and the proffesor pooped out and showed her a liquid and said that it will bring any image to life. flitersnoop did not belive it in the beggining when he poured the liquid on a picture of apples. ten after some time the apples came out and were edible!
he then pour it on a chocolate box and they ate it too. then the proffesor thaught of doing somthin wild and pour the liquid on a cat and an elephant picture! and they too came to life. then mrs.flittersnoop ran to her sisters house with the animls following her. then the elephant before leaving through the liquid on the proffesors photo alubm and as its magic they came to life! then with a lot of nuisance he and his friend burnt the piictures.
Step-by-step explanation: