summary of the sun and moon poem by Charlotte driutt cole
1. “Sun and Moon” by Jay Macpherson Meg Dyal Ms. Kramer AP English, Period 2 16 March 2015
2. “Sun and Moon” A strong man, a fair woman, Bound fast in love, Parted by ordered heaven, Punishment prove. He suffers gnawing fires: She in her frost Beams in his sight, but dies When he seems lost. Not till the poles are joined Shall the retreat Of fierce brother from lost sister End, and they meet.
3. Rhyme Scheme First Stanza: ABAB Second Stanza: CDCD Third Stanza: EFGF Effect of this rhyme scheme: Each stanza of the poem begins a new rhyme scheme, demonstrating the shift in theme in each of them. The rhyme scheme is most noticeably different in the third stanza, as only two lines rhyme. Macpherson purposefully provided this inconsistency to reflect the inconceivable and uncertain amount of time the sun and moon must wait to finally meet each other.
4. Punctuation & Meter • Punctuation • The 1st stanza contains three commas and a period in order to introduce the conflict and add finality to their situation • The colon in the 2nd stanza allows a contrasting connection between their suffering, and the comma emphasizes the life and death the moon experiences • The final stanza contains a comma only in the last line before the sun and moon finally meet, gaining eternal happiness that can end only • Meter • Every other line is four syllables, creating a rhythmic pattern that reflects the sorrowful mood created by the fact that the man and woman are separated.
The summary
hope it helps