English, asked by AnirbanGarai, 10 months ago

Summary of the the book Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone. Tell the answer in 300 lines. If any one tell 300 lines so I will mark the answer as the brainliest the.​


Answered by Axnav


One of my favourite books is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling. It is a story about Harry Potter, an orphan brought up by his aunt and uncle because his parents were killed when he was a baby. Harry is unloved by his uncle and aunt but everything changes when he is invited to join Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and he finds out he's a wizard. At Hogwarts Harry realises he's special and his adventures begin when he and his new friends Ron and Hermione attempt to unravel the mystery of the Philosopher's Stone.

I can read this book over and over again. From the very beginning until the end J.K. Rowling has me gripped! There is never a dull moment, whether it's battling with trolls, a three-headed dog, or Harry facing Lord Voldermort. I would definitely recommend this book because it keeps you reading without ever wanting to put the book down. By the end of the book you come to love the characters and you want to read more. You won't be disappointed because the second book in the series, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is just as great! If you haven't read any of the Harry Potter books you are missing out on the best series ever..

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It is a story about Harry Potter, an orphan brought up by his aunt and uncle because his parents were killed when he was a baby.Harry is unloved by his uncle and aunt but everything changes when he is invited to join Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and he finds out he's a wizard...



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