English, asked by vulture, 1 year ago

Summary of the vulture and the great spirit in 300 words


Answered by AnubhavBhale
It is a wonderful story regarding the grievances of vulture and the reply given to those by The great spirit. Once the vulture got very aggrieved and decided to go to the great spirit who created this world and get his grievances resolved. In this story vulture has the following grievances -

1. Why he has to wait for other earthly creatures to die? Why cant he hunt and eat?

2. Why do other creatures of earth do not like him and make fun of him? Why do they run away in fear from him ?

3. Why do other creatures disrespect him?  

The great spirit talked to vulture, motivated and consoled him. The great spirit make vulture understood that he is a special creature of world. He was assigned a special duty to keep mother earth neat and clean. Great spirit told vulture that no other animal has the ability ( bodily strength, determination and patience ) to contribute towards the job of keeping the earth clean. If vulture is not there the complete earth will be filled with corpses of dead animals. 

The author of this story makes us understand the following important things - 
1. There is a specific purpose for our existence on this planet earth. We all are special in our own ways.
2. We should always try to keep our selves motivated and keep others motivated as well.
3. We should concentrate on our job and we will get the reward.
4. Great things will come to us if we are patient enough to wait and keep doing our job.
Answered by divyanshr713

I am very fast a. d creatice

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