summary of this pleasse

Is it from class 9 ncert english poem no 1
Two roads got separated into yellow forest, i.e, it is autumn season. The post is alone and being one traveller he cannot travel both the roads.He looked up one road as far as he could upto where it bent to bushy way.
After some time he took the other road as fair as it had a better promise and the road was grassy and was not frequented by many travellers. But actually both the roads were travelled equally by all of them.
And in the morning both the roads were equally laid in front of the poet and there were no steps on the leaves.He says that he kept one road for another day. Yet he knew how way leads to another way and he doubted if he would ever come back.
The poet would be telling this with a deep long breathe that once in his life two roads diverged in a wood and he had chosen one which was less travelled by people.
hope it helps you
Tried hard for this...
and I want you to work hard order to score good marks in exam