summary of trees poem by bjornstjerne bjornson summary
The tree's early leaf buds were bursting their brown:
“Shall I take them away?” said the frost, sweeping down.
“No, dear; leave them alone
Till blossoms here have grown,”
Prayed the tree, while it trembled from rootlet to crown.
The tree bore its blossoms, and all the birds sung:
“Shall I take them away?” said the wind, as it swung.
“No, dear; leave them alone
Till berries here have grown,”
Said the tree, while its leaflets quivering hung.
The tree bore its fruit in the midsummer glow:
Said the girl, “May I gather thy berries or no?”
“Yes, dear, all thou canst see;
Take them; all are for thee,”
Said the tree, while it bent its laden boughs low.
The Trees Summary In English
Adrienne Rich's poem 'The Trees' is a voice with a body engaged in activities and sensing intrusions that are not organic to the conventions of a nature poem. This poem narrates the struggle of a population of trees to escape the confines of a green house or container of nature.