English, asked by wahib8277, 1 year ago

Summary of two gentlemen of verona class 10th by aj cronin


Answered by Koreanlover
One day the narrator and his driver Luigi were driving through the foothills of Alps when they were stopled by 2 boys. They were selling fruits. They both looked untidy and shabby. The driver insisted narrator not to buy fruits from these boys. After the driver talked with them they discovered that they were brothers. One was Nicola of 13 years and Jacopo of 12 years. The next day when the narrator stepped out from his hotel he saw the boys polishing shoes. He said that he thought they sold fruits. The boys replied that they do many things like showing visitors places like Juliette's tomb and other places.
They glanced at him hopefully so that the narrator give them work. The narrator asked them to take him along. He was quite impressed by the boys to see their willingness to work. After that if they wanted pack of american cigarettes,seat for opera or a good restraunt the boys helped them.
Even during hot days they sold newspapers, polished shoes and did all odd jobs.
One night the narrator met them again on a deserted square. He asked them about being late and they replied that they are waiting for the last bus to Padua to sell the remaining newspapers. But in the morning when the narrator saw them shining shoes he asked them that they earn quite a bit but spend nothing on themselves. Nucola answered that they had other plans but did not told about the plans.
The narrator said whether he can help them. Jacopo answered that every sunday they go to paleta by hiring bicycles but tomorrow the narrator can drive them. So next day he drove them to a red villa. The boys ran inside. The narrator went inside and saw that it was a hospital. He met the nurse and saw that that the boys were sitting beside a girl. The nurse explained that their father , was a singer andwas a widower who died in a war. After that a bomb destroyed their home. Lucia was their sister and she wanted to be a singer. They participated in the freedom movement but when they returned they found that their sister was suffering from tuberculosis.
The two boys have already given the money. The nurse added that she did not knew how they earn money but they did it well. The narrator waited outside and after some time the boys joined them. He did not told them he knew their secret because he did not wanted to interrupt in their privacy.

Koreanlover: Hope it helps
Answered by Anonymous

‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’ is a beautiful and touching story of two small boys who worked really hard in the  city of Verona. One day, the narrator met these boys in Verona. They were selling wild strawberries. When asked about  their age and name, they told him that Nicola, the elder was 13 whereas Jacopo, the younger, was 12. Next day, the  narrator found them doing ‘brisk business’ in shoe-shining.

When the narrator asked them the reason for changing  their business, they told him that they did many things. For the next few days, the narrator found them shining shoes,  selling fruits, hawking newspapers, conducting tourists round the town and so on. The narrator became eager to know  why these children worked so hard.

He even realised that despite their hard work, they never spent any money on  themselves.  Their clothes were dirty and they usually ate black bread and figs. He teased them by asking them if they had  plans to emigrate to America. To this, they replied in negative saying that they had other plans. Then Jacopo requested  the narrator to help them reach Poleta, 30 km. from Verona. The narrator agreed and took them there the next afternoon.  

In Poleta, they drew up at a large villa and rushed inside. He later came to know that it was a hospital where their sister,  Lucia, was under treatment for tuberculosis of the spine. He asked the nurse about Lucia. She told the narrator that a  bomb had destroyed their family and that these boys grew to hate the Germans.

After the war was over, there was peace  all around. But not in the lives of these children as it was at this moment that they discovered that Lucia was suffering  from the deadly disease. But after getting treatment, she was recovering. He was further informed that her brothers  made the payments every week for her continued treatment. The narrator was touched by the devotion of the two  boys. He could see a ray of hope for human society. Then all three of them came back to Verona.

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