English, asked by vikrantthorat1323, 11 months ago

Summary of work brings solace


Answered by ayushkumar25july


Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam born on 15 October 1931 usually referred toas Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, is an ndian scientist and administrator. !e "as born andraised in #ames"aram, $amil %adu. Kalam is &o&ularly kno"n as t'e (issile (anof ndian for 'is "ork on t'e develo&ment of ballistic missile and launc' ve'icletec'nolo)y. Kalam advocated &lans to develo& ndia into a develo&ed nation by*+*+ in 'is book ndia *+*+. !e 'as received several &resti)ious a"ards, includin)t'e 'arat #atna, ndia-s 'i)'est civilian 'onour. Kalam is kno"n for 'ismotivational s&eec'es and interaction "it' t'e student community in ndia. Kalam, a man of tec'nolo)y, 'as s&ent all 'is life learnin) rocketry. As advised byern'er /on raun, Kalam made rocketry 'is reli)ion. ern'er von raun "as ascientist, desi)ner, &roduct en)ineer, administrator and tec'nolo)y mana)er, allrolled into one. Kalam "as filled "it' a"e at t'e &ersonality of /on raun. Durin)t'e fli)'t in t'e Avro aircraft from 0'ennai to $rivandrum, Kalam 'ad occasion toobserve t'e ualities of /on raun. /on raun asked many uestions about t'emissile "ork of Kalam and listened to 'is re&lies "it' ra&t attention like a student.Kalam never e2&ected t'e fat'er of modern rocketry to be so 'umble, attentive andencoura)in). /on raun made Kalam feel comfortable t'rou)'out t'e ninetyminute fli)'t from 0'ennai to $umba. $'ree deat's in t'e family de&ressed Kalam. !e lost interest in life. $o overcome allt'ese tra)edies 'e needed total commitment to 'is 4/ "ork. !e also sto&&edt'inkin) of 'is family, relations and friends. %ot'in) outside t'e 4/ circle ever came into 'is mind. !e &ut a 'old button on 'is life outside t'e circle of 4/. $'iss'o"s Kalam-s sin)leminded devotion to"ards 'is )oal.ndividuals like Kalam are called "orka'olics. Kalam did not like t'e term6"orka'olic7 because it im&lies an illness. !e says t'at to succeed in our life "emust 'ave sin)leminded devotion to our )oal. 4ometimes "e "ork to"ards t'at"'ic' "e desire more t'an anyt'in) else does in t'e "orld. $'ere is no 'urry andno distractions to t'e "orker-s attention. $'ere "ould no more difference bet"eent'e "orkers. n addition, t'e "ork. $'e "orker "ould flo" into t'e "ork. Kalamand 'is team e2&erienced 'is flo".Kalam says t'at to succeed in our life "e must 'ave sin)leminded devotion to our )oal. 4ometimes "e "ork to"ards t'at "'ic' "e desire more t'an anyt'in) elsedoes in t'e "orld. f "e are c'ar)ed "it' total commitment to our "ork, t'e ne2tt'in) "e reuire is )ood 'ealt' cou&led "it' boundless ener

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