Summary On Connective Tissue
Blood is a fluid connective tissue .its ph value is about 7.4 ,it is slightly alkaline consists of blood plasma and blood cells called blood corpuscles ..
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Connective tissue binds one tissue with another, and also connects various organs, keeping them in proper places.
It has three characteristics :
( i ) Abundance of intercellular spaces - The matrix
( ii ) Fewer cellular elements, and
( iii ) Fibres
The connective tissue is classified as follows:
I. Connective tissue proper - serves for the packing and binding the organs.
II. Supportive connective tissue - gives support ( cartilages and bones ).
III. Fluid connective tissue - blood and lymph.
It's three sub-categories are as follows:-
It is most widely spread, occuring beneath the epidermis of skin. It makes the skin elastic and helps it to withstand pulling strain. It is also called packing tissue.
Fatty tissue forming padding under the skin. It has specialised cells which store fat. This tissue forms padding under the skin and around kidneys, eyeball, etc. Padding under skin acts as an insulation retaining body heat.
It is made up of elongated cells which are referred to as fibres. The fibres are strong and bundled together by Areolar Tissue. They form the "Tendons" which connects muscle to bone and "Ligaments" which connects bone to bone and hold them in position.