English, asked by thunderjk55271, 9 months ago

Summary on David Copperfield chapter1,2,3


Answered by lakhwinderduggal786

Answer:1 summary:

David is born six months after his father dies. His mother and their servant, Peggotty, are alone in "The Rookery," awaiting the birth. Miss Betsey Trotwood, David's great aunt, arrives unexpectedly on the day David is born. Miss Trotwood predicts that David will be born a girl and proposes to be this female infant's godmother. When David is born a boy, Miss Trotwood takes his gender as a personal insult and leaves. Several superstitious elements are introduced regarding David's birth. One is the hour of his birth, late on Friday night, which implies that he will be able to see ghosts or have some other connection to the spirit world. The other is that he is born with a caul, a good luck charm against drowning.

2 summary:

David recalls the sights of his early childhood, including the church, his childhood home, and more. David's mother, long a widow, has begun dating, which causes conflict between her and Peggotty. Mr. Murdstone is introduced as a potential suitor. His relationship with Mrs. Copperfield progresses over Peggotty's objections. At one point, David accompanies Mr. Murdstone alone on an outing. David is too young to understand the conversation of the men as they discuss Murdstone's plans to marry David's mother.

David still suspects nothing when Peggotty suggests a trip away from home. She proposes that the two of them go to Yarmouth to visit her family. David's mother agrees to this plan because she is going to go for a long visit to a friend's home at the same time. David is eager to go and does not connect the unexpected trip with his...

Chapter 3 Summary

David arrives in Yarmouth to visit Peggotty's family. Various relatives live in a boat that has been converted into a house on dry land. The relatives welcome David kindly and his first impressions of Peggotty's family are very positive. Peggotty's brother, Mr. Peggotty, is a retired sailor who has taken in two orphaned relatives, Emily and Ham, as well as the widowed wife of an old friend, Mrs. Gummidge. David strikes up a friendship with Emily. They wander the seashore together and develop a childhood crush on each other. David has a very pleasant time at the Peggotty home. He regrets having to leave, but looks forward to seeing his mother again.

On arriving home, Peggotty informs him that his mother has married Mr. Murdstone while they were away. David finds his familiar childhood home greatly changed with the addition of Mr. Murdstone...

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