Summary on feathered friend
Claribel passed out because there was something wrong with the air Jim was explaining that the alarms would of gone off if there was gas the air, Jim's assistant reminded him that the second alarm circuit isn't connected yet. Jim left without saying a word, well they stood there arguing and passing the oxygen battle around like a pipe of peace.
Jim came back 10 minutes later it was one of those accidents that couldn't possibly happen they had one of their rare eclipses by earths shadow that night. The single alarm in the circuit had failed to go off. If it wasn't for Claribel they would all be slightly dead the Claribel revived and Sven removed the mask she gave her series of "come to the cookhouse, boys" trills. They didn't know what was wrong with her because she never did that before.
I didn't like it because I think it should of been written different then what it was all it did was drag on.