summary on the poem " off the outer space tomorrow morning "
The poet is going to outer space the next morning. He isdoubtful of his return. So he asks his friends to have a last lookat him. After the count down, he request his friends to strike hisname from telephone book.There won't be any difference of day and night in space.So, Calenders and clocks are useless there. There will not be anychange of seasons. The poet would sleep when he feelsleepy.
The poet won't be writing any letter. There is none tovisit in space. It will be like an imprisonment forhim.In space, there is no gravitational pull. Tea cups willcircle round him like planets round the sunThe people on earth can watch him through telescope orcameras.But he doesn't have time to to think about us.When the rockets move across galaxies by the power of
propeller,every one on earth would be angered as they didn't get a chance......!