Summary on "The woman who grew butterflies" by "wendy eyton."
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The woman who grew butterflies" by "wendy eyton." is a very good story .
The woman who grew butterflies" by "wendy eyton." is a very good story .The narrator describes how as a young child, she discovered a larva that a bird was ready to consume. Her grandfather instructed her on how to place it in an empty jar with a twig and thistle leaves after she brought it home. Due to the fact that he had nurtured a butterfly himself when he was her age, he knew "just what to do." She finds it odd that her grandfather was her age once and imagines how close they would have been if she had been alive. He reassures her that they are still best friends.
FINAL ANSWER - The woman who grew butterflies" by "wendy eyton." is a very good story .