English, asked by mareeswaran861, 6 months ago

Summary the concert in paragraph


Answered by kashafashrafa594


All students enrolled in Recital Attendance will submit a written Concert Summary. This Concert Summary may be submitted at any time during the semester, but must be submitted no later than the Friday before Finals at midnight. Concert Summaries will be filed in individual student confidential files and will become part of each student’s comprehensive portfolio. The concert summary must be completed on an event listed on the music performance calendar. You may not write a concert summary for a concert in which you were a participant. You may not write a concert summary for a concert which was not sponsored by the USAO Music Department.


Formatting Requirements:

The concert summary must be in MLA format and should demonstrate formal writing skills. It must meet the following formatting requirements:

Use of a sans-serif type font, such as Arial, Calibri, Helvetica, or Tahoma. Times New

Roman is also acceptable.

12 pt size font


1-inch margins

Approximately 300-500 words (not including title, name, date, etc.)

If necessary, a works cited page should be provided with in-text parenthetical citations.

Failure to format your concert summary as described above will result in a grade of NO PASS.


You may not write about a recital or concert in which you performed. Turning in a concert summary about a recital or concert in which you performed will result an an automatic grade of NO PASS.

You must write about a recital or concert that is on the official music department event calendar. Turning in a concert summary about a recital or concert that is not on this official calendar will result in a grade of NO PASS.

This is NOT a concert critique. Students should not address the quality of the musical performance, conductors, soloists, or ensembles. Do not include subjective comments about the performance or performers.

This is not a time to talk about your feelings. Do not use personal pronouns such as “I”, “me,” or “my.” Writing a paper in the first person perspective will result in a grade of NO PASS.

The opening paragraph must state the date and place of the performance as well as the performers/ensemble involved. Failure to include this information will result in an automatic grade of NO PASS.

Students should bring a paper and pencil/pen to the performance they have chosen to summarize. Students should take notes on the performance and use these in their summary.

They summary may include:

Thoughts on the type of music being performed (as it relates to coursework or other musical experiences; not personal opinions).

Background or history on any of the pieces being performed (include citations for any research done to include this information).

Comments on the compositional/theoretical components of selected pieces performed.

Discussion of the historical periods represented on the program.

Discussion of stylistic elements of a piece or pieces.

Discussion of musical elements of a piece or pieces (melody, harmony, rhythm, timbre).

Discussion of formal or structural elements of a piece or pieces.

Discussion of communicative or aesthetic qualities of a piece or pieces.

Discussion of concert planning, themes, flow, or repertoire as it relates to music methods courses.

Discussion of use of technology on the program.

Discussion of text (if a vocal concert) and text setting.

Answered by Cloudytone123


The Concert Summary

Kadare worked on The Concert from 1978 to 1988. It is his longest novel, and it conveys the apprehension felt by the Albanian citizens under Enver Hoxha’s strict Communist regime, where anyone could quickly fall out of favor. The novel deals with the last years of Albania’s political alliance with China, from Chairman Mao Zedong’s eightieth year to his death in 1976. During those years, Mao was determined to humiliate the Albanians for having dared to question his decision to entertain the president of the United States. The title refers to a rare concert given by the Chinese for their foreign visitors on the Day of the Birds, a concert that filled everyone with dread. Its meaning became clear when China subsequently withdrew all support for Albania.

The main plot line illustrates the difference between Albanian and Chinese communism. Arian Krasniqi is an Albanian officer who refuses to obey Minister D’s order, suggested to him by the Chinese, to encircle the Communist Party committee with tanks. For his disobedience, Krasniqi is expelled from the party and imprisoned. However, Krasniqi is vindicated by Enver Hoxha himself, who states in a public address that to encircle a party committee with tanks is tantamount to rehearsing for a military putsch and that such orders will never be carried out in Albania, no matter who issues them. Minister D then has no option but to release the tank officer and prepare his auto-critique for the party.

One of the most interesting aspects of The Concert is Kadare’s extended treatment of the mysterious murder of Lin Biao, Mao’s second in command. Whether because of Mao’s senility or because of conflicting plans that were then combined, Lin Biao’s murder emerges as an unparalleled case of overkill. Clues are scattered throughout the novel. In chapter 15, one of the Albanian authors, Skënder Bermema, compiles the theories into a nine-part synopsis entitled “The Truth About the Death of Lin Biao” before setting up the truly enlightening comparison to William Shakespeare’s Macbeth.

Mao took draconian measures to stamp out intellectualism and individualism in China and intended to weaken Western minds through the mass export of Chinese marijuana. A Chinese committee designs the model new man, Lei Fen, who is twenty-five years old, a soldier peasant who remains a bachelor and loves only his mother, and who dies by accident. Although a token leftist militant Albanian, Juan Maria Krams, embraces the idea of the new man and the abolishment of history, culture, and religion, Europe remains the greatest threat to Mao’s China because of its freethinking people. The extreme repression in Communist China is illustrated early in the novel. Gjergj Dibra, an Albanian diplomatic envoy, finds it impossible to carry on a normal conversation in China because there are empty words and tedious slogans for every occasion.

By comparing the European and the Chinese communist systems, Kadare manages to make a strong case for free thought, justice, and human rights. He had difficulty getting the novel published in...

HOPE IT HELPS (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

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