English, asked by riyaq5778, 2 months ago

Summary Writing:

Read the passage given in Q No 4/A) and write a summary of it Suggest a suitable title to the summars

The rain refused to let up. The ground-floor of the building, inside the ONGC colony at Panvel, was already flooded with water and the level was rising by the minute. At 7 pm, the power went off, plunging the entire area into darkness. By that time, the water had risen from ground-level to a height of five feet. Parth and his mother were busy packing, afraid that they might have to vacate their first floor flat, too. His father, a finance manager with ONGC, was stuck on his way home. Suddenly they heard screams and banging. Parth rushed downstairs and waded through the water-neck-deep by this time-towards the ground-floor flat. Their door, he found out, was stuck and, with the water level rising alarmingly the trapped family faced an ominous future. Parth found a piece of tag from a neighbour and began to hammer on the door. 'People from the entire building had come down, just stood paralyzed," he says. After a while, the mesh gave way but the main door still wouldn't open. By this time the water came almost up to his mouth. "I don't remember anything," he says, "just that door and the children crying inside and that I had to get them out. "After many more heaves, the top half splintered and fell through. The family was pulled out to safety. Not surprisingly, it is the army and it's spirit of service that he admires the most.


Answered by sy2282008


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